Contact the seller

Access your purchase history and select the item. Explain the situation to the seller and try to find a solution together.

Request a refund

If no agreement is found with the seller, open a dispute and ask for a refund within 15 days after delivery of the product or after the period of acknowledgement of receipt of the order

Refund within 15 days

Most sellers will issue a refund within 15 days. If not, please contact OVMANE on the order page to report your dispute.

Find the right product?

Browse the site to find the products that interest you. You can browse the shelves using the product category menu, or by keywords using the site’s search engine. At each step you can refine your choices through filters and sorting to arrive at the right product.

Place an order on OVMANE

Add the products you wish to order to the shopping cart and let us guide you through the different steps when your order is complete. The basket allows you at any time to know the selected products, their quantity as well as the total amount of your order including the delivery charges. After creating an account, you decide where to have your products delivered, the delivery date and the payment method.

Secure payment

OVMANE guarantees you the greatest security during your order. Your bank details are encrypted and transmitted directly via a secure connection. OVMANE guarantees you a risk-free purchase with complete confidence.
OVMANE uses SSL technology (128-bit encryption) to guarantee a secure transaction when paying by credit card. OVMANE does not have access to your credit card number at any time.

The delivery!

The delivery of parcels to your home imposes protection measures both for you who receive the parcel and for the deliverymen who bring them to you.
Delivery is made in priority to standard mailboxes when possible.

If the parcel does not enter the mailbox, the deliveryman warns of its arrival by knocking on the door or by ringing the bell.

What can we do for you?

The prices of our products are indicated on the site in euros (all taxes included) excluding participation in processing and shipping costs.